petek, 29. marec 2019

Passion. Commitment. Integrity.

Those three words combined are representing the motor of your work ethics and enthusiasm.
There are things that you enjoy to do. There are things that you love. If your job is also your passion you are lucky. Not all namely have that kind of job that they are happy about it. But for those people that can be changed. A proverb says "Happiness in on the side of the brave ones". So yes, you must be bold and positively stubborn to change the job or the current workplace if it makes you miserable. Seek for a new position, and you shall find it!

If you are working just to get your salary, or just to pay your bills, you are probably not committed to what you do.  So passion goes along with commitment. Strive to be that kind of person that gets things done. Meet the deadlines. Double check yourself. Give more than you could ever imagine. You'll see. Someone will notice that. Maybe you will get a promotion or some pay raise. However, you must work on yourself. Improve your habits. Remember nothing is impossible unless you believe it is.

If you give your word, make sure that you keep it unless something happens that is not in your control. Always keep an eye on your integrity - that everything you do or say will be honest. Fight with proven arguments.
Remember - honest people are looking into your eyes.  They don't have to hide anything. Integrity is that kind of virtue that many people don't have. But on the other hand, if you have the passion for your work and commitment it is almost impossible not to do your job with integrity.

1 komentar:

  1. Kaj bi lahko naredila, če ne bi bil DR WALE, ki je obnovil moj zakon in prinesel mir v moj dom, za vedno vam bom hvaležen DR WALE, Moj mož je odšel k drugi ženski, zapustil me je z najinimi tremi otroki, bila sem zmedena in z zlomljenim srcem, skoraj sem izgubil enega od svojih sinov v procesu, o katerem sem se pogovarjal s prijateljico in povedala mi je o dr. WALU in kako ji je pomagal v preteklosti, zato sem se obrnil nanj za pomoč in obljubil mi je, dni, ko me bo mož poklical in se mi opravičil za odpuščanje. Resnično verjamem vanj, ker sem videla veliko dobrih novic o njem na spletu, povedal mi je, kaj naj naredim, in naredila sem vse, kar je od mene zahteval, po nekaj dni mi je zazvonil telefon in na moje največje presenečenje je bil moj mož, začel je klicati in me rotiti, naj mu odpustim za vsako stvar, skozi katero me je prisilil, tako da sem mu odpustila in zdaj spet živiva srečno. Zahvaljujem se dr. WALU, tukaj so njegovi kontakti, če doživljate kakršen koli zakonski stres, vam bom svetoval, da se obrnete nanj za rešitev, in obljubim vam, da bo vsa vaša težava rešena. WhatsApp/Viber/Telegram: +2347054019402 ali e-pošta:


Vem, da se cenite in spoštujete, zato boste komentirali tako, kot želite, da bi jaz komentirala vam :)